Friday, November 21, 2008

The Constitution

The Legislative Branch of the Government- makes the laws and regulations in ehich the government has to follow. It is broken up into 2 section the Senate and the House of Representives

The Judical Branch of the Government- is the highest court in the country and can state something in the constitution either constitutional or unconstitutional.

The Executive Branch of the Government- is the parts of the government in which the president belongs to. The cabinet is also part of this branch. The cabinet is a group of people choosen by the pres. to help him run the country.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Holy Name Tech Ed Homework #1 Views on Education

I perfer Barrack Obama because he believes that we should increase spending on education. He believe we should spend more on young education because they are our furture . He also believes that we should creat more teacheing jobs because in the uprise of students.

I agree with Barrack Obama because we are the furture and we must be educated if we want the country to run properly in years to come. If we do not educate them then we would function like one of the best countries in the world should.